California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act of 2021 (or AB 1200), was signed into law on October 5, 2021. Among other things, this law bans paper-based food packaging containing PFAS chemicals, in addition to requiring cookware manufacturers to disclose the presence of certain chemicals in handles and food-contact surfaces, whilst prohibiting misleading advertising on cookware packaging.
This disclosure is being provided to comply with the AB 1200 regulations: Our smallwares, frying equipment, dispensers, grill tools, toasters, and holding bins – contain the following intentionally added chemicals: polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), chromium, iron, polypropylene, and polyethylene.
The products are not in violation of any federal safety regulations. AB 1200 does not specify any minimal content to trigger disclosures. Instead, it is a “right to know law” for the state of California that requires a disclosure if any amounts of AB 1200 listed chemicals are intentionally added.
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The following are the names of the identified chemicals and their DTSC Authoritative Lists: